Sunday, March 9, 2008

way to end on an upbeat


It was cold. I was tired. I was also cranky from being cold and tired. All in all, my 6-hour introduction to Holland via Eindhoven was not as interesting as it could have been. I think Tom summarized it best when he said that the city is like one big duty-free shop for the Eindhoven airport. Lots and lots of bicycles though.

There were some other upsides as well, like going into my first Bjorn Borg store and then meeting our friend Fanney, who came from Amsterdam to catch our flight to Katowice. She was smarter though to take the shuttle back to Krakow and not have to so a repeat performance of the bus-train combo. Oh well, I just ate my chorizo and manchego with some Dutch bread and was happy.

No pics this time. You should instead look for some tourist bureau material; those photos actually make the place look nice...

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