Saturday, April 19, 2008

For the Ruds

Take that, Hotel Chopin!

When the Rudniks were here a few weeks, I joined them one morning for breakfast at their hotel, Hotel Chopin. Breakfast is included with each room and is served in the little restaurant right off the lobby. I came in that morning from Piast, walked right into the restaurant without having to talk to a host(ess) or anyone.

Breakfast was decent: a wide enough selection of average quality. Pastries, juice, coffee, yogurt, all the imaginables, AND kielbasa.

Given the ease at which a foreigner could simply walk in and eat their fill, the Rudniks and I decided that I should give it a try on another occasion. Today was that fateful day! Really, the Hotel Chopin is rather out-of-the-way, and why on earth would someone come all that way if they weren't staying in the hotel and therefore entitled to free breakfast. Well, me, for example.

Again, I just walked right in, sat down, and proceeded to have a lovely breakfast. Just to be on the safe side, I laid down the big, fat Lonely Planet guide to Eastern Europe at my seat to give me the appearance of a traveler. ;)

Of course I absconded with my backpack full of a couple treats for later, some local guide pamphlets, and a weekend edition of Rzeczpospolita newspaper. On top of all this, I realized that I didn't have my tram card with me, so I was praying that I wouldn't run into a controller along the way. How many ways did you break rules of accepted behavior before noon today?


annie... said...

the Ruds are proud!

Miracle said...

I'm having my stolen pastries for another breakfast right now. ;)

Carol R said...

We can give you the name of a nice hotel in Prague, if you don't mind traveling a little farther for another freebie breakfast.